Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Car driving- is it really just a sport??

Car driving is a passion to many. Private cars to trained groove on the racing cars… every bit adds to the thrill and ecstasy. Series of racing competitions at the state, national and international levels are being held world over. Rally games challenges one to emerge victorious battling all odds ranging from scorching heat, heavy downpours, mountainous terrain, rocky passages and the rest. It is a carefully thought out business capitalizing immense opportunities for a bright future. The highly popularized and sought after F1 racing is an example of such a venture.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Safety devices in cars

Technology in cars has advanced to a point where people no longer have to be holding on to the steering wheel while parking between two cars. ''Park Assist'' is now being introduced in all modern cars where the car driver itself into tiny spaces. Small cameras in the front and back help keep your cars as well as the parked ones scratch free. Safety has become a priority in automobile industries, with multiple air bags for the driver and the front passenger as well as for those in the back. '' Hands free'' is one of the most effective safety devices installed in cars. Majority of the accidents that are caused are because the drivers are either texting or are on calls while driving. The hands free system allows the driver to take a call while both hands stay on the wheel.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ways to improve your car's mileage

There are many ways in which you can improve your car's mileage. Some of them are :-
  • Drive at a speed of 55-65 km/hr.
  • Have a lighter load in the car.
  • Use fuel injection to improve the car's performance.
  • Do not use under-inflated or tubeless tires.
  • Do not use the brake extensively. It lower's the mileage of the car by about 5%.
  • Try to keep a steady speed and do not press the accelerator too hard as it increases the fuel consumption.
  • Do get your car serviced at regular intervals.
  • Do get the car engine tuned or else it may consume more gas.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Technology advancement in vehicles

In car technology has increased by leaps and bounds in the past decade or so. Now cars have systems which monitor the driver to see if he's becoming drowsy, lasers and sensors to check if the driver is maintaining lane discipline, cruise control, voice activated telephones, and a horde of other features.
Such technology was in the reach of cars only in a very high price range, but is nowadays available in regular cars. Such technology has made road travel safer, not only for the people in the cars but also for people on the roads. Organizations such as Euro-NCAP allot safety ratings to vehicles based on a plethora of criteria and manufacturers strive to achieve the highest rating possible. Road travel is now safer, and more relaxing, thanks to technology.

Are Hybrid and electric cars really the way forward?

There is a sudden rise in the automobile industry with respect to Eco-friendly cars such as hybrids and electric vehicles (EV). But is that really a step forward? With continuously depleting fuel resources, it is indeed of prime importance that we find an alternative to fossil fuels, but I don't think EVs or hybrids are the answer. Hybrids make use of nickel batteries, to enhance the engine, while EVs use electric motors to move the wheels. However, these aren't quite as Eco-friendly as their manufacturers would like us to believe. Nickel mining causes acid rain, whereas EVs run on electricity, which we all know is produces lot of harmful products. The way forward is to go backward, and look at the Model T, which could run on water, or even alcohol.